CCPCR SURVEY: 1st- & 2nd-year Russian Textbooks in Use at the College Level AY 2013-14

Listed below are the responses in order of frequency of use, received from 60 colleges and universities as of March 10.
(The responding college/university programs are listed below)

1st Year Russian Texts

Golosa 1 (5th ed) -33
Nachalo -10
Live From Russia I Stage 1 (ACTR) -9
Beginner's Russian (Kudyma) -4
Troika -2
Self-created text-1
Russian Alive! -1
English Grammar for Students of Russian(supplement) -1
Collquial Russian (Le fleming)-1
Mezhdu nami (online + print) -1
Animation for Russian Conversation (supplement) -1

2nd Year Russian Texts

Golosa 2 (5th ed.) -25
V puti -21
Nachalo -8
Live From Russia Stage 2(Welcome Back!)-6
Self-generated text/materials -3
Schaum's Russian Grammar -2
Making Progress in Russian -3
Den' bez vran'ja -1
Russian Grammar in Context -1
Russian as We Speak It -1
English Grammar for students of Russian -2
Animation for Russian Conversation (supplement) -1

Data above received from the following programs:

Alabama, U. of
American Univ.
Amherst Coll.
Arizona State U.
Arizona, U. of
Baylor U.
Berkeley U.
Binghamton U.
Bowling Green S.U.
Brown U.
California, Santa Barbara U.
Carnegie Mellon U.
Case Western Reserve U.
Drew U.
East Central Okla. U
Evansville, U. of
Ferrum Coll.
Fox Valley Tech. Coll
Grinnell Coll.
Florida, U. of
George Mason U.
Georgia Tech. U N. Carolina Wilmington, U. of
Lawrence U.
Ohio State U.
Oklahoma, U. of
Hamilton Coll.
Hofstra U.
Maryland, U. of
Maryland, U. of Balt. County
Michigan, U. of Middlebury Coll.
Minnesota, U. of
Missouri, U. of
Montana, U. of
Nassau C.C.
New Jersey, College of
Northern Virginia C.C.
Kentucky, U. of
Nebraska, U. of
New Mexico, U. of Occidental Coll.
Penn St. U.
Rhodes Coll.
Rice U.
Riverside City Coll
Rochester, U. of
Sarah Lawrence Coll.
Sewanee, U. of South
Siena Coll.
Stetson U.
St. Olaf Coll.
Syracuse U.
Toronto, U. of
USMA-West Point
Vermont, U. of
Washington, U. of
Wellesly Coll.
Weslyan U.
Wheaton Coll. Wright State U.
Yale U.